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Return Policy
To guarantee your satisfaction, you have up to 90 days to return any merchandise for any reason provided it is unused and in its original packaging. This does not include any product that is delivered unusable or dysfunctional. However, discontinued, custom-imprinted and personalised merchandise cannot be returned unless defective.

You can contact a Custom Experience Representative at +44 (0) 208 640 2999  |
Returns Instructions:
Step 1: Click to download a Returns Form ( Download Form )

Step 2: Complete the Returns Form with the relevant information.
Clearly specify on the form which product is returned and which product is to be exchanged as well as the requested size for each products.

Step 3: Place one copy of the form in a parcel with the goods and one copy on the outside of the parcel, showing the return address, and send a copy to You will be responsible to return the goods to the address shown on the form.

Step 4: Upon receipt of the goods into the Marke Creative Merchandise warehouse in a re-saleable condition (which includes the original packaging), we will arrange for the refund and exchange of the goods accordingly.
Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any queries on how to process the return.